Flowchart For C Program To Find Leap Year

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Flowchart for c program to find leap year. C program to check input year is leap year or not algorithm correction. Write a c program to find whether a given year is a leap year or not. C program to check leap year this program checks whether an year integer entered by the user is a leap year or not. Logically all the years that are perfectly divisible by four called leap years except the century years.

To understand logic of the program read leap year article at wikipedia. Include stdio h function to check leap year. A year is a leap year if. So let us see the code example code 1.

C program to print all leap year from 1 to n this program will read value of n and print all leap years from 1 to n years. C program to check leap year. To understand this example you should have the knowledge of the following c programming topics. Let s see how to we can create a program to find if a year is leap or not.

If year 4 and year 400 then its leap year else not. C program to check leap year. A leap year is exactly divisible by 4 except for century years years ending with 00. Below we are writing some example programs that are describing how we can check leap year using the c language.

If it is divisible by 100 then it should also be divisible by 400. There are two conditions for leap year. The normal year contains 365 days but the leap year contains 366 days. The century year is a leap year only if it is perfectly divisible by 400.

For example 1999 is not a leap year. Obviously they are divisible by 100. By unknown august 24 2012. C code to check if a year is a leap year or not.

Except this all other years evenly divisible by 4 are leap years. 2000 is a leap year. It is evenly divisible by 100. This code is based on the gregorian calendar.

Century years mean they end with 00 such as 1200 1300 2400 2500 etc.

Write A C Program To Check Whether Given Year Is Leap Or Not

Write A C Program To Check Whether Given Year Is Leap Or Not

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Source : pinterest.com