Civil Engineering Flowchart Bau

Decision analysis credits s su cee3503 environmental engineering 3sd credits s jr.
Civil engineering flowchart bau. Materials 3 credits f s free elective any 1000 course 3 credits f s su ma2160 jr. Requirements to declare civil engineering major must obtain a minimum grade of c and in mac2311 phy2048 grade of c or better required in all coursework 4 year transfer. Civil engineering the university of alabama s bachelor of science in civil engineering program is one of the oldest in the country. The fields of work applied to civil engineering are in form of design and consultation contracting and supervision or management and quality control.
The civil engineering graduate can generally work either in the private sector or in government agencies. 3 c chem 1202 bas chem ii 3 c engl 1001 comp i 5 c math 1550 calculus 4 c math 1552 calculus ii 3 socl sci gen ed 3 art gen ed 3 c engl 2000 comp ii econ 2030 econ prin 3 humn gen ed 3 humn gen ed. Civil engineering program flowchart first year. Stdg un1015 un1025 civil engineering flowchart general academic year 2018 19.
Biological and agricultural engineering 2020 2021 civil engineering 2020 2021 chemical engineering 2020 2021 computer engineering 2020 2021. Civil engineers attain a broad spectrum of skills sought by almost every profession. Civil engineering curriculum flowchart construction engineering concentration1 2 beginning fall 2014 sem 1 ma 16500 4 cr chm 11500 4 cr engl 10600 4 cr engr 13100 2 cr gen ed 1 3 cr calculus i general chemistry i composition ideas to innovation i. Please call 225 578 5731 or e mail engr lsu edu if you require additional assistance.
120 credits consent of instructor p re requisite if any check cie catalog 120 credits consent of instructor 150 credits consent of instructor 90 credits passing grade in all cie and mth courses is a c second cie307 1cr year structural analysis i third. Cie460 3cr elective courses. All flowcharts are in adobe pdf format. 3255 patrick f taylor hall civil environmental engineering office 1 basic science lab elective 1 ce 2700 intro to ce 4410 prin of con 3 chem 1201 basic chem.
In civil engineering suggested 4 year academic flowchart 2017 19 catalog 17 19 52cebsu freshman sophomore.