Color Palette For Flowchart
Generally speaking the lighter the shade the lower the value.
Color palette for flowchart. The darker the shade the higher the value. Our flowchart maker comes with a built in colar palette which makes it easier to color code your flowchart. The sequential color palette is designed to visualize high to low values for different measures. Add icons to your designs communicate your idea quickly and effectively by adding one of our thousands of modern icon designs.
However you can use placement top left for start bottom right for end color green for start red for end or size to clearly show where to start and where the process ends. Use your brand color palette to reflect your brand identity make your own color schemes save your brand colors using my brand kit and insert them into your flowchart in a flash. Stick to one theme and you ll have a beautiful flowchart with matching colors that even a designer would be proud of. Often the terminator shape is used to designate the start and end of a flowchart.
The use of color may be extended to various diagram types as well.