Draw The Flowchart Boxes For The Following

These are known as flowchart symbols.
Draw the flowchart boxes for the following. Flowcharts are usually drawn from top to bottom or left to right. If your charts are all. Numbering shapes is optional. Numbering is helpful if you have to refer to a shape in a discussion.
Flowcharting is a tool for analysing processes. To insert a box at the same level as the selected box but following it click add shape after. To insert a box at the same level as the selected box but before it click add shape before. Connect the flowchart shapes by holding the mouse pointer over the first shape and then clicking the small arrow that appears that points to the shape you want to connect to.
You read a flowchart by following the lines with arrows from shape to shape. The lines with arrows determine the flow through the chart. When you need to add a box to your flow chart experiment with adding the box before or after the selected box to get the placement you want for the new box. You do each step in order.
Flowcharts use special shapes to represent different types of actions or steps in a process. Flowcharting is a type of diagram that represents a workflow or process showing the steps as boxes of various kinds and their order by connecting them with arrows it is a visual way to draw out processes and identify internal controls control weaknesses information sources and the various channels of information. The reader would start at the start shape and follow the arrows from one rectangle to the other finishing at the end shape. The first part of any flowchart is represented with a rounded or pill shaped box.
By using multiple connector boxes it is very easy for flowcharts to become very large although this is usually self defeating as the flowchart then becomes difficult to understand. Lines and arrows show the sequence of the steps and the relationships among them. If you started with the built in flowchart template this shape will already be on your page. A sequence is the simplest flowcharting construction.
The following is an example of a very simple flow chart for the process of getting out of bed in the morning. To add any other flowchart symbol just select it from the library and stamp once in the drawing area. The ideal size for a flowchart is one page as this gives a single visual chunk that is reasonably easy to understand as a single item. How to draw a flowchart.
To add text simply type while the box is selected. It allows you to break any process down into individual events or activities and to display these in shorthand form showing the logical relationships between them. For each step in the process that you are documenting drag a flowchart shape onto your drawing. The flowchart above demonstrates a sequence of steps.