Flowchart Repeat Use Procedure

According to the cmdh the repeat use procedure rup is the use of the mutual recognition procedure mrp after the completion of a first mrp or decentralised procedure dcp for the recognition of a marketing authorisation by other member states ms.
Flowchart repeat use procedure. You can edit this template and create your own diagram. The cmdh has agreed that a duplicate application of a medicinal product authorised via the mutual recognition procedure can be accepted via the decentralised procedure provided that the same reference member state is used. Procedures rev 3 june 2007 cmdh q a no 1. Flowchart symbols and meaning provides a visual representation of basic flowchart symbols and their proposed use in professional workflow diagram standard process flow diagram and communicating the structure of a well developed web site as well as their correlation in developing on line instructional projects.
This procedure is known as the repeat use procedure hereafter abbreviated to rup. Animate your flow chart. Due to the different organisations and thereby also different working procedures for the approved medicinal products in member states the request form may need to be adapted at national level and is not mandatory for the ncas to use. In addition to using shapes to create your flowchart you also have some pretty handy options with smartart.
Change the colors of your flow chart. You will then see the following screen. Recognition procedure mrp may be used after completion of a first mrp or a decentralised dcp procedure for the recognition of a marketing authorisation by other member states ms for the same veterinary medicinal product. Creating a flowchart with smartart.
On the insert tab in the illustrations group click smartart. Procedural advice on repeat use december 2016 track version the cmdh has introduced a request form for an mrp rup procedure available for the national competent authorities nca. Creately diagrams can be exported and added to word ppt powerpoint excel visio or any other document. Create a flow chart with pictures.
The repeat loop will always execute the process part at least once. See flowchart s symbols by specifics of process flow diagram symbols and. Create a flow chart with pictures. Use pdf export for high quality prints and svg export for large sharp images or embed your diagrams anywhere with the creately viewer.
What is a repeat use procedure. Apply a smartart style to your flow chart. To create a new flowchart click file new flowchart or use the toolbar new flowchart button. If you plan to use the same line format throughout the entire flowchart right click the inserted line after you ve formatted it and select set as default line you can do this with shapes too.
Flowchart this is the central area where your flowchart is drawn. Toolbox this is the collection of available commands to drag onto the flowchart ribbon toolbar.