Off Page Reference Flowchart

In the off page reference dialog box click ok.
Off page reference flowchart. Data document decision orprocess. Also commonly indicates a measurement with a capital m inside the symbol. Shows when a process splits into parallel paths. Usea set of hyperlinks between two pages of a flowchart or between asub process shape and a separate flowchart page that shows the steps in thatsub process.
Off page reference when you drop this shape onto your drawing page a dialog box opens where you can create a set of hyperlinks between two pages of a flowchart or between a sub process shape and a separate flowchart page that shows the steps in that sub process. The off page reference dialog will open. This adds the off page reference shape to the current page and creates. Shows the merging of multiple processes or information into one.
To create an off page reference drag the off page reference shape from the basic flowchart shapes stencil onto the drawing page. The off page reference shape inserts a new page and sets up links between pages. Commonly indicates storage of raw materials. The designers can click thismulti shape to set to any of the following shapes.
From the first page the connector would be labeled a 2. Leave the default options checked. Choose the existing page radio button and then select the page you wish to reference in this example my page b is named full office audio. Off page reference this symbol would contain a letter inside.
Continue a flowchart on a separate page drag the off page reference shape onto the first page near the last shape in the flowchart. The off page connector is then used to show that the flow is on a different page the letter a refers to a connection to another part of the flow chart typically on another page. That means go to page 2 and find connector a 1 the connector from the first page.