While Loop Flowchart And Pseudocode

While loop repeats a specific block of code number of times until the particular condition is met.
While loop flowchart and pseudocode. 6 average of 10 numbers iteration with a for loop 1 input x print avg sum x sum avg sum 10 0 i 1 10 1 i sum 0 begin sum 0 for i 1 to 10 input x. Strictly speaking the above flowchart corresponds more to the pseudocode on the right hand side. Thus this is the main difference between pseudocode and flowchart. The purpose of a while loop is to execute a statement or code block repeatedly as long as an expression is true.
Examples of while loop. However as you can see gotos make code less modular and more unreadable. Flow chart the flow chart of while loop looks as follows syntax. Once the expression becomes false the loop terminates.
Pseudocode is an informal high level description of the operating principle of an algorithm while a flowchart is a diagrammatic representation that illustrates a solution model to a given problem. Arnold schwarzenegger this speech broke the internet and most inspiring speech it changed my life. This is for anyone looking for the basic setup for a loop. Pseudocode for while loop.
The while loop the most basic loop in javascript is the while loop which would be discussed in this chapter.