Computer Science Uh Flowchart

Discrete mathematics cosc 3380.
Computer science uh flowchart. The bachelor of science in computer information systems program blends theory and practice to prepare its graduates for careers in fields such as software systems development e commerce and network administration. Computer science and programming mat h1432. Combined with sound practical training relevant to the common applications of computing in business and industry the degree provides preparation for all career paths in computer science. Fundamentals of operating systems math 3336.
Ece at egr dot uh dot edu campus map. The computer science degree program at the university of houston downtown offers students a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of computer science. Statisticsfor the sciences cosc 2430. Of electrical computer engineering n308 engineering bldg 1 4726 calhoun rd houston tx 77204 4005 phone.
In computer science degree. Computer science is the systematic study of the theory design development and application of computers and computational systems. Computer organization 3 hrs f s su cot 4400 analysis of algorithms 3 hrs f s su natural science elective 3 hrs f s su cse elective 3 hrs f s su cse elective 3 hrs f s su egn 3000l foundations of eng lab creative thinking 3 hrs f s flowchart for pre majors usf bs in computer science b s c s fall 2019 catalog 120 hours. Ca lculus ii cosc 3360.
Ua s department of computer science offers dynamic programs for students interested in designing implementing testing and maintaining individual software applications but also for students who want to develop and manage larger systems that integrate a wide range of components the computer science undergraduate program consists of 120 hours of study and it is designed to read more. Step by step instructions on selecting your grade option. Uh s interim undergraduate grade policy provides an option for undergraduate students to opt for a grade of s for any letter grade of d or better during summer 2020. Design of file and databasesystems math 3339.
The program focuses on the application of information technology to facilitate the management and operation of organizations. University of houston college of natural sciences and mathematics science research building 1 3507 cullen blvd room 214 houston texas 77204 5008 713 743 2611.